COCA-COLA DREAMWORLD LAUNCH / 3D Anamorphic Billboard Campaign / Penn Station 

Coca-Cola / Outfront Media / Virtue / Kinetic

How does one bring the magic of dreams to reality? How do you dream with your eyes wide open? Coca-Cola embarked on a mission to blur these lines of imagination and reality with the release of Coca-Cola Dreamworld. The entire campaign is based in a dreamscape environment, and we had the pleasure of bringing it to OOH in Penn Station, NYC.

In close collaboration with Outfront Xlabs, Virtue, and Kinetic WW, we created a dynamic 3D Anamorphic billboard animation featuring a staged outside building, peel behind the curtain reveal, dreamscape environment, and of course the major payoff of the bottle coming right towards pedestrians.



The building was specifically modeled to match the surrounding building, focusing on our own bridging the gap of what is real and not. We landed on the curtain reveal having the nicest “into dreamworld” transition, that despite quick duration, it will ease the viewers in, and still catch the attention of those nearby.


The environment, elements, and bottle all had to work in sync to create the best 3D anamorphic payoff, while always looking great throughout. It was important to not have too many elements, or be too busy, and keep the focus on that crisp refreshing bottle.



Some early exploration, playing with the potential for the environment, other approaches to the actual “Dreamworld” as well as ways to get INTO this space.

Enjoy one in our honor - and let your dreams take over!